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Latest News Quarter 2 2005
Jun 29, 2005

For a better course content management for HKIED, powerful iContact™ course management engine is adopted. With the use of the user-friendly iContact™ WYSWYG content editor, course contents could be easily managed and updated. Together with our Winet professional designer, the web site attracts students to learn Putonghua online and interactively.

Jun 25, 2005
Winet® helps Convoy to start a new revolution on risk calculation. The new Convoy AMi (Asset Management & Information System) powered by iContact™ Analytics engine supports different kinds of fund portfolio and performance timely and qualitatively. The advanced iContact™ system handles complex calculation and process a large amount of data in a very short period of time. Different kinds of fund analysis are automatically generated and presented in graphs, charts and histograms.
Jun 20, 2005

Following the success of the YWCA Online Interactive Learning Centre launched in 2004, YWCA decided to enhance the center's service through the iContact™ system enhancements. Simplified Chinese version of the web site is now supported and added for the convenience of the users. Tutor management for appropriate tutor searching and matching is introduced through our powerful and user-friendly iContact™ engine. Besides, a more attractive and colorful new face of the YWCA Online Interactive Learning Center is introduced.

Jun 5, 2005

Following the success of deploying iContact™ content management engine and membership system, iContact™ marketing module is implemented to fulfill Convoy's online event management need. Convoy's event publishings, invitations and registrations could be handled effectively and automatically. Besides, the segmentation and mailing functions of iContact™ support personalized & targeted event mailings to the right people at the right time.

May 4, 2005

By adopting the iContact™ Software Suite, MVSL established their membership system, course management system, files management system and content management system.
Supported by the iContact™ Content Management module, the content of the website could be managed efficiently. Besides, news could be updated frequently and published automatically to the public / members needs. Supported by the iContact ContactMaster and Marketing modules, membership management and targeted marketing activities can be conducted through email, SMS & forum accordingly.

May 4, 2005

Considering Winet® s quality deliverables and reliable services, Melani selects Winet® again as their web services provider for the 4th consecutive year. Winet and Melani cordially invite you to visit their most updated Spring/ Summer web-site which was designed by Winet® experienced designers .

May 1, 2005

By deploying iContact™ Customer Relationship Management (CRM) module and acquiring Winet® professional services, Sony Pictures launched their Hong Kong website today. The content of the website could be managed efficiently and the trailers could be uploaded easily. More visitors are attracted. Besides, the adoption of iContact ™ Contact Master & Marketing modules' membership features enable Sony Pictures to establish their contact groups and execute target group communications accordingly.

Apr 18, 2005
ICT Expo (14th - 17th Apr, 2005)
Winet® booth at International ICT Expo 2005 with advanced Winet® web technology sharings attracted a lot of visitors. User-friendly, advanced and comprehensive iContact™ Marketing Suite, Sales Suite, Mobile Suite and Business Process Suite features were shared and demonstrated at the booth.
Apr 1, 2005

Empowered by powerful iContact™ Content Management Engine, not only website content can be updated but also, a barrier free Internet environment is established. All the contents were uploaded, edited and published easily / timely through the user-friendly and comprehensive iContact™ system.

Apr 1, 2005

Adopting the user-friendly and comprehensive iContact™ Content Management Engine, PLK has revamped their institute web-site. Web contents and service information (in Text only / HTML / Flash) can be updated anytime and anywhere through the WYSWYG iContact™ Content Editor. The PLK staff can now change the web-site total look and feel easily in a short time.

Apr 1, 2005
In order to improve the company brand and customer service quality, Convoy has adopted the use of iContact™ Marketing Suite for Content Management, Newsletter Distribution, Membership Management & Target Marketing Campaigns. Customer responses and market trend could be tracked anytime and anywhere by their management. Aligning with this initiative, Convoy has also revamped their web-site using the user-friendly iContact™ WYSIWYG content editor. Let's navigate their new site at
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